Located At 4007 Brookpark Rd., Cleveland, OH 44134
Phone: 216-749-9700
Toll-Free Number: 800-339-2317
Fax: 216-749-9707
Dependable Die Finishing
US Alloy Die Corporation has over 50 years of experience in die finishing. We have four custom-modified lathes with full internal and external capabilities of finishing. Tolerances of up to 0.0001" can be maintained while producing finishes as good as 1-2 micro on carbides or steel. With 10 grinding machines, we can manage tolerances of up to 0.0001" for special parts.
We have five surface grinders with digital accuracy monitoring. These are very fast and accurate machines for grinding surfaces up to 10" x 24" in steel or carbide. Our three outer diameter grinders can also grind very close tolerances up to 6" in diameter in steel or carbide. Also, we have two Falcon G-2 internal grinders for doing extensive internal work while producing excellent surface finishes. These are extremely accurate and fast grinders for maintaining consistency in large or small runs.
US Alloy Die Corporation runs two automatic Sunnen honing machines almost constantly. These precision machines are capable of honing internal holes in steel or carbide in ranges from 0.060" to 2" diameter. Our honing machines are capable of holding very close tolerances of 0.0002" with excellent straightness. Special honing stones enable us to give superior, near-polished finishes. Call us at 216-749-9700 or fill out our convenient online form
to request a quote.
Call 216-749-9700
today to request
a quote.
Customers can also request a quote from US Alloy Die Corporation by filling out our online form today.